Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week #1 : Assistive Technology Intro

Tonight we had our first class in Education 569 - Assistive Technology.  As we went thru class I began to learn so much about assisitive technology and the benefits that it has for so many people to make their everyday living so much easier.  As a teacher, watching the video of Suzie Rubin I began to see how assisitive technology has changed the life of this young lady.  It has provided her with a voice and allowed her to bothe educate herself and at the same time educate us on the benefits  that assistive technology can make to any person whent proper supports are in place.  As a Physical Education teacher I have often struggled with applying proper strategies for some of my students due to my lack of knowledge around certain disabilities, however I believe as this course progresses my eyes will be opened to the many strategies available that I will be anxious to incorporate as my educational career continues on.

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