Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rewarding Assistive Technology Videos

With so many programs out the prospects of providing everyone with a exceptional education are endless.  To think of a student who uses assisitive technology, in this case the program "Dragon" can enroll in IB and pursue a career in the medical field would be unheard many years ago.  It was once thought that a learning disability would leave a student at a disadvantage and the challenges that the student would make a teacher believe the student could not handle a higher degree of learning.  Although this is the case for some, technology has provided many gifted students who suffer from a learning disability with an even playing field which is truly remarkable.

Then there is the climbing wall.  As a physical education teacher I could not imagine the excitment that was been shared watching that student make his way up the climbing wall.  Just watching the video gave me "goosebumps" and makes me want to do my best to explore all the opportunities that are often overlooked for many of our students with challenging needs.


  1. I completely agree! The emotions of the student as well as facilitators after he climbed the wall must have been tremendous. I was emotional the entire time watching the video myself. It is truly wonderful to watch these students/individuals accomplish tasks with AT that some people and maybe even themselves at some point in time, may have thought were impossible to achieve.

  2. I loved the videos as well, Blair. So effective and in essence fairly easy to do. Imagine any child on a climbing wall, how the excitement of reaching the top would also boost their confidence in themselves.

    I am learning many new words and programs in this class. I was not at all familiar with AT, besides many low tech devices. And I assumed AT was computer programs. I have come a long way in such a short time. I can only imagine the excitement the child could feel as he/she learns along the way.
