Monday, November 1, 2010

Week 5 - Kurzweil Project

Creating a work package is difficult at the best of times.  Preparing one that involves a new program and is outside one's comfort level makes it extremely difficult.  Luckily for me I got teamed up with a great partner and we were able to use our brains and create something that should resemble a working package for our Johnny. 
The most difficult part of any work package is getting started after that things seem to fall into place.  Kurzweil is a wonderful program and getting a chance to experiment with some of the great options that are available to help students such as Johnny who have a learning disability.  Without getting into to many details about what we planned for Johnny, I certainly know that this week's class was a great learning experience because it allowed for us to discuss the program with another person and bounce ideas back and forth.  As someone with not a strong background in language arts it made life easier to have a partner to explore the program and work through any problems as a team. 
I am looking forward to next week's class and excited to see what people came up with and to share our plan with the rest of class.  That being said, I am a little apprehensive presenting information that I do not have a strong background on but I look forward to learning more as we move forward.


  1. Hi Blair
    I thought your and Melanie's presentation was very good. It is really interesting to see everyone's take on this project. As much as I was not really looking forward to doing it because I was very much out of my comfort zone, I see it as a remarkly effective and efficient tool for struggling students. I loved your idea in highlighting in different colors the main characters and the main setting. This has to keep the child focussed. I also loved your idea with the MP3 player. What an excellent tool. Nice idea of illustrating as well.
    Great work!

  2. Kurzweil is a terrific program and is definitely beneficial for all students no matter what the learning curves may be. One can see how crucial the training of individuals implementing and using the programs is. But WOW...what they can help students overcome and be a part of the regular classroom.
