Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Week 6 - Kurzweil Assignment and Inspiration

Well the presentations in class went really well.  Everyone seemed to have a good grasp on the wonderful opportunities that can be created for many students in terms of literacy through the Kurzweil program.  Many of the same ideas seemed to show through from bubble notes, using voice recorded answers and adjusting settings so that the student can be successful when completing a reading/writing assignment.  My partner and I had a well worthwhile discussion over which elements to include and like I mentioned last week it was a well worthwhile learning experience.  Seeing how other groups used similar ideas made it feel as though we certainly seemed to understand the program but at the same time I would certainly include some ideas we did not have like having some multiple choice in the testing section.  Overall, I think our group did very well and I was happy that the recorded text that Johnny could use on his MP3 was able to work.

Then as class progressed we got to use a new program called Inspiration.  Not having a lot of time to play with the program it is hard to describe the ins/outs at this particular moment.  I had fun trying to incorporate different bubble notes - from clouds to lightbulbs to scrolls.  However I was having difficultly with connecting my thoughts and my concept map was all over the place.  I did like how there are templates already created for particular subjects with many formats to choose from - this certainly helps someone like me who is all over the map to keep my thoughts in some sequential order.  I am looking forward to looking further in to this program in the next class.

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