Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Week 10 - Assignment #3 - Deaf-Blind Individuals and AT

This class was very relaxing and was enjoyable due to the fact that our group had spent the previous week collecting information thus we were able to produce a powerpoint project with little difficulty.  As I was researching about people who are both deaf-blind, I found it difficult to imagine a life where one could not hear and see.  The things that wee often stress over are so minor to what these people have overcome in their lives.  It was truly amazing once again to see some of the AT that is available nowadays to help those individuals communicate with their peers. 

While working on this assignment I began to realize that as things are coming to an end for me in Masters program, I am still learning each and everyday something new and interesting.  It is funny how things work in real life because as I started this course I was someone who had very limited knowledge about AT other than some basic things around physical education. Now I have an unlimited amount of things to draw upon in other aspects of education I thought I might never need - that is until I was hired last week as a program support to teacher in a highschool where I just moved.
My hope is that I can incorporate some of the things I have learned in this course to my regular practice with the students I will be working with on a regular basis.  I am truly glad that I am finishing up my degree with a course that I anticipate using much of what I learned right away.

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