Saturday, December 11, 2010

Last Posting - Course Overview

What a course!!  So much knowledge being shared in such a short time it was quite a ride.  I am certainly glad that I was a part of this course and now believe that I have a wealth of knowledge to draw from to overcome many of the problems with often endure with some of our students with some help from Assistive Technology.  This course has taught we that we need to do everything in our means to help our students learn, and that there are certainly many supporting technologies available to ensure that students can be successful in our classrooms.  I have already used several strategies I have learned in this course including Inspiration - the program that frusterated me for 2 weeks.  Although there may have been times of fruteration or confusion I really appreciated the fact that I was learning something that is useful in the course that I anticipate using in the immediate future with my students.

As a teacher you sometimes want someone to tell you or show you what it is you need to do.  However I enjoyed the fact that in this course and being a student again over the past 2 years that I was asked to continue to further my learning and explore things that expanded my knowledge as an educator.  Assistive technology certainly is an important part of education for many students today, therefore it is important that as teachers we provide opportunities for students to access this technology.  Having taken this course,with its eye opening and jaw dropping videos related to AT, my only hope is that other teachers will have the same opportunites and explore AT whether in a course or through some professional development.  It has truly been a powerful experience and I thank-you Barb for your wealth of knowledge.

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