Friday, November 12, 2010

Misunderstood Minds - Writing!!!

The website provides a very good description of both the basics of writing and outlining the difficulties some people experience with the writing task.  From the site I was able to experience the essay composition activity and found that it was quite difficult to remember to follow all the rules all the time and ended up with a somewhat readable paragraph each time.  I guess I was getting a little taste of what students with some of the learning difficulties described in the reading often experience.  Unfortunately I was unable to access the graphomotor activity and cannot describe how that activity made me feel.

From the reading, I think that there is a lot of beneficial information that gives a person a true sense of what the writing process entails.  I think that the section around the basics of writing is well written in that it identifies things that are expected of students at different stages related to grade levels.  Adding to this section is a brief overview of the neurodevlopmental functions and how they tie in to important aspects of writing such as memory, attention, higher order thinking, etc. Thgis section was an easy read with just enough information at each particular section.  The difficulties section I found did provide good information but as I was reading I found that some information was repeated from the prevoius section and the activities remained the same.  I found that the last section around responses provided many useful strategies for teachers to try and overcome some of the difficulties which was very good. I just wish the layout had been a bit different so it could be an easy read.  Maybe a table format would be much more beneficall for teachers such as ourseleves to refer from.

Overall I would suggest the site because it does provide excellent information around more than just writing and the activities do give a true picture of what some students are experiencing in our classrooms.


  1. Love your concept map Blair. I think they are great for children, very visual and bright and child friendly.
    It is really detailed, the writing process. From concentration to attention to memory to prior knowledge. No wonder some children can have such difficulties. I could not and still cannot do any of the "try it yourself" activities. I am going to try at school and see if I can get in. And I am not sure anymore what is the best way to help struggling writers. I used to think practice was what they needed but after these readings, I don't think it is just that or even that.

  2. I was unable to access the "try it yourself" parts of the Misunderstood Minds website as well and have continues to have no luck accessing them. The website itself is very informative. It is too bad that teachers cannot be handed a package of sites, a list of names to turn to, etc when they are searching for resources. I sometimes feel as though it is left for us to figure out on our own. It's not this way when you have a terrific and supportive staff, however, some schools unfortunately do not have this and are left to fend for themselves.

  3. I loved this site. I think it provides great information to teachers and parents. I referred a parent to this site, as she was wondering how she should explain to her daugther about her learning disability. I agree with Lyndsey that it would be wonderful if someone put together a organized list of sites for teachers, instead of us always having to spend so much time weeding through the bad ones until we find the gem.
