Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 7 - Assignment #2

Creating the web map in the program Inspiration took much longer than I expected.  Although the powerpoint presentation does a great job of breaking apart the writing process, my lack of knowledge with the program made the whole process very tedious for me.  I know that the program does indeed offer a lot of great ideas to be incorporated into many lessons but for me I wish that I could have processed the program a little quicker but with practice I am quite sure that it would make a difference.

The inspiration program offers a variety of layouts, many pictures to choose from and certainly is a great tool for any visual learner.  The only complaint I had was I spent too much time trying to link ideas and come up with a proper layout to truly represent the writing process. Considering that the process is made up of 2 key areas with both an upper and lower levels for each I decided to create a star format.  On one side I created lower & upper content levels and on the opposite side I created similar headings for mechanical levels.  I took the key areas under each heading and further branched them outwards using the information found in powerpoint.  I was happy with my finished product and believe that I did break the writing process apart as per the assignment.

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